Published July 31, 2013
Kindle Edition
Pages: 95
3/5 Stars
For readers 18+
Bright, beautiful Attorney, Charlotte Christiansen has never lost a court case. She’s built a reputation as a cool, on the rise lawyer while trying to escape the ‘naughty cheerleader’ pictorial in American Jock magazine that she posed for to pay her way through law school.
She shares the top floor of a historic San Diego building with her best friends from college who happen to be two very male, very sexy Special Forces operatives. Her ex is a celebrity NFL quarterback who could pass for a Viking God. She’s surrounded by hot men but her life revolves around work and she doesn’t have time for love or sex.
Until Alexander Bly, the stop-the-clock gorgeous, billionaire publishing magnate becomes her newest client at the law firm. He’s the man responsible for the magazine cover that turned Charlotte into every man’s sex fantasy. Bly has had women and the world at his beck and call, but no woman has ever rocked his world. Charlotte is about to. When they come together the desire and sex are white-hot and all-consuming, but falling in love takes them completely by surprise.
As Charlotte handles Bly’s lawsuit against Huang Worldwide Corporation, scary, smooth and sexy Jamey Huang kidnaps her. But, Huang doesn’t want Bly’s billions, he wants Charlotte’s secret, former lover. Legal Action is a sexy romance filled with burn-up-the-pages sex, tender love and witty, sharp-tongued characters with a little espionage thrown in for even more spicy fun.
This was a great story, it was well detailed and it felt like it flowed so nicely. I thought Bly and Charlotte's relationship was going really well. Charlotte lived with her two guy best friends, JP (short for John Paul) and Finn. She was also married to a celebrity before but it didn't work out, talk about luck; the girl had guys wanting her from everywhere. Even though it was a little short, there was a lot packed into this story, but the ending surprised me as it did many people as well.

Legal Action 2
Published: August 22, 2013
Kindle Edition
97 Pages
3/5 Stars
DO NOT read below this point if you have not read the next book or the whole series.
The rock your world sequel to Legal Action !!!!!
This is Legal Action in extreme overdrive!!!! Charlotte will make her choice between riveting, gorgeous billionaire Bly and back-from-the-dead, too-hot-to-handle, Special-Ops hunk Finn and her decision will mean sweet, sweet, savage love for Charlotte and the man of her dreams. But the past has a wicked tendency to come back to haunt a girl when she least expects it, and what would Legal Action be without some serious “OMG” moments?!!!! A wild mix of tender romance and seriously hot sex, with humor and heart and unexpected twists of fate. One man wins her heart and one man can’t get her out of his heart, and only one man gets the girl, but one thing’s for sure… Charlotte and the two men who love her will never be the same…
Well this book all in all is a surprising turn of events, the entire thing! I did not see that coming at all. Like the description says, one man gets Charlotte and the other can't stop thinking about her. I'm glad it worked out for her but her choice of man definitely surprised me. This one was also well written. I get so sucked into this story and I didn't want to stop reading until the end of the series. Never a dull moment in this series!

Legal Action 3
Published: September 5, 2013
Kindle Edition
Pages: 108
3/5 Stars
The ANSWERS you’ve been waiting for… and some you never thought to ask! In this blockbuster third book, Kimball Lee gives you more of your favorite things, love, romance, desire and searing passion always on the edge of bliss and disaster. Wild twists of fate, some from the past and some straight out of the blue. A novel in two parts, ‘THEN’ fills in the gaps that set Charlotte, Bly and Finn on a collision course with each other. ‘AND NOW’ starts where Legal Action 2 left off… Who is the real father of Charlotte’s baby? Are Finn and JP lost forever? What will Charlotte risk to hold on to what she can’t live without? Fasten your seat belts… it might get bumpy, but it won’t be dull!!!
This book was so exciting. Almost there, almost til the end to find out what happens in the conclusion. This series was full of surprises, never boring and always keeping me on my toes. I really liked all the characters, I felt bad for the guy that Charlotte didn't choose. I just couldn't put any of these books down and they didn't disappoint. The humor was really funny and I enjoyed how all the characters interacted together. I loved knowing more about the past, I love reading back stories.

Legal Action 4
Published: September 26, 2013
Pages 109
3/5 Stars
THIS IS IT… THE FINAL BOOK IN THE LEGAL ACTION SERIES!!! Alexander Bly is missing, Finn and JP are caught on a mountain wracked by avalanches, Amanda is a basket case, and Natalie isn’t offering any information… Will Charlotte surrender to despair??? Absolutely NOT!!!! There are good choices, bad choices and hard choices in every life, and they lead straight to the heart of destiny…
Finally the final book! I was so excited going into this book, I'd get my questions answered and problems would be solved. By this point you would already know that Charlotte chose Finn who she was in love with for four years behind everyone's back. Charlotte decided she could not put up with his job anymore because he was always hurt so she left him. Bly proposed to Charlotte (who said yes) but Finn came right in and stole her, therefore, choosing Finn instead of Bly. A whole bunch of other drama happened and Bly was engaged 3 times in this book btw (which I thought was ridiculous but w/e). I didn't even take it seriously that Bly was getting engaged in like every book. Things in the end worked out for everyone on the surface, I just don't feel like everyone had their happy ending. Charlotte was extremely happy with Finn but still in loved Bly & he still loved her, but they were married to other people. I didn't like the ending because it wasn't truly a happy one in my perspective. I still enjoyed this series and I would read from this author again.
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